How can we help you?
You can browse the topics below to find what you are looking for.
Frequently Asked Questions
Health Benefits
We provide employees with the group health and medical insurance, which is supplemented by government medical insurance for expenses not covered by government medical insurance, such as prescription drugs, dentistry, physical therapy, etc.. Inossem group insurance helps our employees make their decisions easier and lives better. If you want to know more, please click here.
Our payroll is managed by the ADP company, ADP provides professional payroll services for the company and employees. Each employee has his own ADP account and receives professional services, such as viewing pay statements, receiving paycheck & paystub regularly…If you want to know more, please click here.
Process Application
We use Zhiren and DingTalk, these professional enterprise-level personnel management platforms to provide employees with efficient and convenient personnel services. Through these two platforms, employees can work in real time, report their effective working hours at any time, and work more efficiently without geographical restrictions.
Vacations & Leaves
Our company’s vacation system complies with Federal and Provincial Labor standards to protect employees’ basic vacation rights. We also respect employees’ rights of various leaves, such as maternity leave, paternity leave, sickness or accident leave, wedding or civil union leave, adoption and birth leave etc.. If you want to know more, please click here.

HR Service Center
How do I take leave from work?
How do I apply for paternity leave and maternity leave?
How do I check my pay stub?
View all questions
+1 514-845-0099
©2020 Inossem Ltd.